Sunday, December 23, 2007

Spend All You Want... We'll Print More.

Christmas time is here and I can't seem to get that chorus from a Charlie Brown Christmas out of my head.

This is the time of year when people smile a little more between the stress of finding the "perfect" gift for you-know-who. (I don't know who, YOU know who!) Of course, this is also the time when most people dig themselves deeper into debt for the sole purpose of feeling like they're flush with cash and yule-tide cheer; i.e. the credit card bills won't arrive until mid-January so put another gift under that tree.

Christmas always reminds me that the majority of Americans continue to live way beyond their financial means (and yes, I do think about this stuff). More than any other holiday, Christmas justifies excess and personal irresponsibility. To me, the holiday's purpose is first and foremost a mass rationalization for the group-think of spending money one doesn't have. Retailers and the media send a message that resonates quite effectively for family members who "feel" like they need to buy a sufficient number of presents or they'll "feel" less good about themselves.

Cynical? Whatever. Realistic? You bet'cha!

Articles abound about consumer confidence; i.e. willingness to spend and whether or not retailers are or are not going to make projected increased sales this year. At the same time, the mortgage issue (I refuse to subscribe to the "C" word) continues to be an editor's dream and the rate of credit card defaults remains on a steady upward climb.

I'd like to see media reporting and consumer education that effectively correlates the two issues; namely your holiday spending translates into your deepening consumer debt. Reduce one and the other must follow. I admit that perhaps that might be too uh.. cynical or even too realistic for all those shoppers striving to feel good during this holiday season. It's certain they don't want to hear that message.

But didn't Linus tell Charlie Brown that Christmas is not all about getting what you want?

Smart guy that Linus.

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