Monday, August 27, 2007

Shake Your Presidential Money-maker

With the President in town for a Domenici fundraiser (talk about timing), sources tell me that the Albuquerque Journal ran a story today noting that flight costs for Air Force One are $56,000 per hour and the total cost for a trip from DC to ABQ is approximately $224,000 each way, or $448,000 (not counting special expenses incurred locally by the Secret Service).

I recall that the President was here last summer campaigning for incumbent Representative Heather Wilson and attended a fundraiser that netted $375,000 for her campaign but cost the federal government at least $445,000. (Candidates do reimburse the feds up to the cost of a round trip business class ticket whenever the President visits on their behalf).

The point my source noted and you, clever reader, should already have seen, is that given the taxpayer incurred cost for Air Force One, it might make more sense to just have the federal government cut a check for $375,000 to Wilson's campaign and save the cost of sending the President.

Ah, but if we do that Mr. and Mrs. Campaign Donor will have no opportunity to strut their stuff or get in line for a choice political appointment.


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