Sunday, August 05, 2007

Open Wide and Bend Over

I have repeatedly resisted commenting on what I like to refer to as the “Wannabe’s on Parade”, otherwise known as the run-up to next year’s presidential race.

I’ve refrained simply because thinking about presidential politics in an off-election year is like... worrying about which assisted living community I’ll be residing in come oh, 2055... or how much in government welfare, uh, Social Security benefits I’ll be receiving (according to my annual statement) in 2032; basically there are more pressing concerns. Tonight, however,my political rhetoric (read:bullshit) meter has gone off the deep end.

Part-time New Mexico Governor and fulltime Presidential Candidate Bill Richardson has decided that universal health care is something he as President will champion.

From his website:
"America's moral values support the basic concept that no one should be denied the health care necessary to sustain their lives productively simply because of wealth or income."


My only thoughts on this issue are two-fold:

First, a previous “Bill” took on that very same issue and was resoundly handed his lunch by the Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. Must I point out who currently resides in control of both houses of Congress?

Second, and more relevant, at this moment New Mexico ranks 49th overall in the number of uninsured residents (Texas is last, nice huh?). Today, ONE out of FOUR people in Bill's and my state lack health care coverage and ONE out of FIVE CHILDREN have no health care coverage. (Source)

They say charity begins at home. What do you think Bill? Perhaps the same "moral values" should be applied in New Mexico first before rolling them out on the national stage. Could be me, but I think your credibility will be stronger that way.

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