And he looks about ready to tip over.
I’m not going to lower the level of the discussion here to point out the obvious.
Senator Larry Craig pled guilty to a federal misdemeanor that besides undermining his credibility on just about every political issue he purports to support, leaves him looking idiotic and puts him in the position of being the only sitting Senator to have been tried and convicted of violating federal law.
The last point alone should be enough for anyone to resign.
But no, not Larry. Instead he held a press conference, wife in tow wearing a pair of dark sunglasses and a less than supportive expression on her face. Before a crowd of reporters in downtown Boise, Larry took the opportunity to uh, defend himself.
In what reminds me of a spin-off of “we’re queer and we’re here,” Larry tells us that he’s not gay and he’s not going away.
Oh really? Could Larry be getting media tips from Mark Foley? Or maybe Dan Burton? I'll cut to the chase and join his GOP colleagues in suggesting he resign now and save us the need to make more fun of him during the workday.
Whether Larry Craig is gay or not is beside the point. Even if he were straight and in a co-ed bathroom and soliciting sex via subtle, coded foot tapping, I still don’t think such conduct is appropriate for a UNITED… STATES… SENATOR.
You know what I mean? I’m talking one half of the legislative branch of our national government, one of only 100 members of what has been called the most exclusive club on the planet, a person with power deriving from Article I , Section 3 of the United States Constitution.
Larry’s guilty plea puts him in the position of being a sitting Senator who is now convicted of violating federal law. The fact that he’s a perverted idiot who pled guilty without counsel is simply, uh window dressing.
No doubt tastefully decorated.