Monday, October 02, 2006

Another Member in the Page Cookie Jar

I occurs to me that while Mark Foley can check himself into all the rehab and emotional sancuaries he wants to, that won’t stop either the FBI investigation or the Florida state prosecutor’s office from charging him.

Emotionally unbalanced? Yep.

Aware he was enticing a minor? Yep.

But, oh what a flashy website. This is real "member" of Congress, who really knows how to leverage the power of uh, technology.

Pity he resigned.

Now we need to find a new Chairman of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children’s Caucus. I went looking to see who was next in line but apparently House staffers are busy reworking the website today and it’s down for maintenance. Ironic huh?

Now where is Gary Studds when you need him?

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