Friday, September 29, 2006

Six Weeks

Oh, what a terrible movie. But I digress.

The sixth week of my final semester in law school came and went with nary a whimper. I am now forty percent finished with the semester.

Several proposals for papers were due this week and I actually turned them in on time and under budget. I also managed to go for a run on four of the seven days and am beginning to up my milage in a way that’s leaving me progressively tired but feeling great, mentally.

Let the endorphin high reign, baby.

No real development on the job search front, but I applied and was asked to join the Albuquerque Chapter of the American Inn of Court. Not only will it be a great opportunity via monthly dinners to get to know a variety of local NM Bar members, but I realized that I need to get out of the house and do something social on a more regular basis.

It’s an understatement to suggest that relocating to a new city is tough on the social calendar, i.e. my circle of friends refers to my mobile calling plan and not who I can call for an after-work drink.

Hmmm.. goal for week seven: increase happy hour opportunities.

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