Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Rubb'in My Worry Beads

Hi folks. Welcome to another exciting episode of “New Parent Neurosis” brought to you today by Mom’s Breast Milk.

Warm, frothy, and full of all the fat, antibodies and protein a growing baby needs. Drink all you want there’s always more and our taps are always on! Mmmm mmmm good… that’s Mom’s.

Neurosis No. 1 – Babies Cannot Sleep on their Stomachs
Why? Because we’re afraid of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Terrified in fact, even though the jury’s still out that there is such a thing. Research seems to suggest that the brains of some infants develop in such a way that the child’s auto-response breathing mechanism stutters when the baby is on its stomach. This results in the baby asphyxiating. Less of a syndrome and more of a physiological condition.

Serious stuff for sure. But to suggest that a baby must categorically never sleep on their stomach is taking it a step too far. Here’s an interesting take on the need for babies to sleep on their stomachs at least once in a while.

Neurosis-free Tip No. 1: When you’re in the room and they’re sleeping put them on their stomachs and let them sleep in what is a natural position, prone. When you leave the room, turn them over onto their backs. Don’t leave them sleeping prone but let them do it when you’re there.

Besides, if you’re a new parent you’re already checking their breathing every 30 seconds anyway.

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