Sunday, December 31, 2006

Snow Bobs

I came in this morning after a final shoveling of the driveway only to find some feline non-domesticatas playing on the upper deck.

I had to shoot through the window screen which is why the pictures look so grainy.

According to the Field Guide to the Sandia Mountains bobcats (Lynx rufus) like these two are the only native short-tailed spotted member of the cat family in the Sandias. They occur at all elevations and in all habitats.

I only managed to get one shot of the both of them together because the victor (or loser) headed off and the loser (or victor) remained behind a few minutes for the salivating paparazzi.

Of note: If you click on the picture above you can see that this cat is sticking out his tongue! Winner or loser, I think that falls into the "taunting" category but I'm not certain whether fines are assessed in this league.

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