Friday, August 04, 2006

Standing at the Pump...

... and watching my dollars grow (via American Express direct to Shell), I was wondering how New Mexico compared to other areas in the country, gas price-wise.

And here it seems someone else has been asking the same question and putting the internet to good use with a very impressive color-coded map.

New Mexico ranks 12th most expensive this week, with an average of $3.079. (Wisconsin ranks 2nd at $3.156, gasp!)

There are listings of local gas stations and their recent prices on this site as well, but fiscal conservatism aside I don't think I'll be driving all the way over to Coors Blvd., just to save eight cents a gallon.

I like paying full price at the pump. It's a small price to pay for the glory of hearing that V-8 purr....

Head on down the highway...looking for adventure... in whatever comes my way...

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