Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Long Time Between Posts.

It’s amazing. When there are deadlines looming and little time to spare the blogging seems to be prolific (if not necessarily witty or insightful). With more free time, blogging takes a backseat to all the other things I’ve basically put off for the past three years.

Geeky things that we all do but don’t admit to any but our closest friends that we’re that kind of person, i.e. the several hundred CDs now burned into my iTunes library and updated on the iPod. Oh, and I can't forget all the album cover art work that is now downloaded as well (so when the song plays the cover will display).

That done, time to move on to the collection of photographs that are going to gum together in to one photo baklava because I store them on top of one another in old running shoe boxes. I need to put them in front of my video camera and make digital still copies. Hmmmm. Now that I think about it, I’ve got hours and hours of video tape dating from the mid-90’s that need to be converted into DVD; but only if I want to keep the material from disintegrating further. (Oh, I do, I do.)

Audio-visual preservation, yeah that’s the ticket. Why spend time writing words on the screen when I can spend hours and hours just looking at the screen while I upload material to an external hard drive?

I could go on, but you get the idea and life is short right? Apparently I can’t stop to smell the roses, however, because I need to preserve their images for future generations to enjoy.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Gravy on the Side

So... you go to law school and suffer the slings and arrows, only to...

Take the bar exam after preparing for 10 weeks, only to...

Await your results while recognizing that if you don't pass you'll be "that guy (who didn't pass)", only to...


Then you get sworn in.

I suspect it's all gravy after that happens.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

April 4 and He is Bona Fide!

Ulysses Everett McGill:

"I am the only daddy you got! I'm the damn paterfamilias!

But you ain't bona fide!"...

"Vernon here's got a job. Vernon's got prospects.

He's bona fide."