Monday, February 26, 2007

One day out... Time to get out...

True, the first few weeks of preparing for the New Mexico Bar Exam consisted of sitting in three hour review lectures with some outlining later that day. The final six weeks, however, have been a steady stream of essays, MBE questions and continued memorization of rules of law in 20 subjects.

But today is the last day and a rest day.

Or, maybe I’d better term it a day of rest from bar exam preparation.

I headed up into the Sandia Mountains and walked until my feet felt like they too needed the vacation that my mind was experiencing. Nothing to think about except which trail looked best and which rock seemed appropriate for a lunch break.

I hiked a big loop in the general direction of Whitewash Trail but via a side scramble up through Piedra Lisa Canyon. Made it as far as Oso Pass (although by then the snow was up to my knees and a smart person should have turned around long before then). At the pass, I stopped, took a few pictures, caught my breath… and headed back down.

Total elevation gain: 3948 ft.
Highest elevation: 8301 ft.
Bushwhack percentage: 20%

Number of intentional torts contemplated: 0

Monday, February 19, 2007

Green, Style and Way Cool Too...

In news an out-of-work autoworker can use:

NM Governor Bill Richardson announced today that Tesla Motors will build a new automobile assembly facility in Albuquerque, bringing 400 high wage jobs and a total capital investment of 35 million dollars. Construction on the 150,000 square foot plant will begin in April 2007, at the latest.

Tesla Motors, based out of San Carlos, CA, will use the plant to produce its “WhiteStar” car, a four door, five-passenger sports sedan which is 100% electric.

This is one snazzy looking machine.. now if only it could plug itself in and run my errands...

... Then I might actually consider giving up my 12mpg SUV.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

"Absent Friends"

Too often I find myself thinking of calling and then remember suddenly that there's no longer any working number for that kind of conversation.

It's not that we left things unsaid or that our last meeting was unpleasant. (As I recall, our last words involved nothing more than each of us trading a story and signing off by telling the other that we loved one another).

No, it's just that every so often I wish I could call, trade gossip and update you on all the seriously amazing and wonderful things that are happening in my life.

I know you'd want to hear about them.

Happy Birthday Mom.

You'd have been 66 years old today.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Gonzo Law

It was a cloudy, snow-threatening afternoon…

Uh, actually it’s bright and sunny and 62 degrees but I’m trying to commiserate with friends up in Wisconsin (who I believe have sunny skies as well but also a wee bit of a wind chill).

Friday in early February and we’re less than three weeks out from the NM Bar Exam.

Hmm… can you say meltdown?

Six subjects for the multi-state and another fourteen subjects that may (or may not) be on the essay questions (along with the possibility of some of the aforementioned six), for a total of twenty subjects to get shoved, stowed, inserted, forced, etc. into the brain between now and the 26th!


Makes me reconsider the whole futuristic data chip implant scenario in a more positive light.

Civil liberties seem a small price to pay for being able to recall and apply the Rule Against Perpetuities on demand.

“No interest is good unless it must vest, if at all, not later than 21 years after some life in being at the creation of the interest.”